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Watching Molecular Nanotubes Self-Assemble in Real Time
Marìck Manrho, Sundar Raj Krishnaswamy, Björn Kriete, Ilias Patmanidis, Alex H. de Vries, Siewert J. Marrink, Thomas L. C. Jansen, Jasper Knoester, and Maxim S. Pshenichnikov
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 41, 22494–22503

Strongly polarized surface electroluminescence from an organic light-emitting transistor
Vasiliy A. Trukhanov, Alexey V. Kuevda, Dmitry I. Dominskiy, Artur L. Mannanov, Tatyana V. Rybalova, Victor A. Tafeenko, Andrey Yu. Sosorev, Vladislav G. Konstantinov, Maxim S. Kazantsev, Oleg V. Borshchev, Sergey A. Ponomarenko, Maxim S. Pshenichnikov and Dmitry Yu. Paraschuk
Materials. Chemistry. Frontiers. 7, 238-248 (2023)


Dual-function artificial molecular motors performing rotation and photoluminescence
Lukas Pfeifer, Nong V. Hoang, Stefano Crespi, Maxim S. Pshenichnikov and Ben L. Feringa
Science Advances vol 8, no 44

Synergistic interplay between photoisomerization and photoluminescence in a light-driven rotary molecular motor
Ryojun Toyoda, Nong V. Hoang, Kiana Gholamjani Moghaddam, Stefano Crespi, Daisy R. S. Pooler, Shirin Faraji, Maxim S. Pshenichnikov & Ben L. Feringa
Nature Communications 13, 5765 (2022)

Investigating the dielectric properties and exciton diffusion in C70 derivatives
Sylvia Rousseva, Benedito A. L. Raul, Felien S. van Kooij, Alexey V. Kuevda, Srikanth Birudula, Jan C. Hummelen, Maxim S. Pshenichnikov and Ryan C. Chiechi
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, Advance Article

Cryogenic TEM imaging of artificial light harvesting complexes outside equilibrium
Sundar Raj Krishnaswamy, Ivo A. Gabrovski, Ilias Patmanidis, Marc C. A. Stuart, Alex H. de Vries & Maxim S. Pshenichnikov
Scientific Reports 12, Article number: 5552 (2022)


Effect of oligothiophene π-bridge length in D-π-A star-shaped small molecules on properties and photovoltaic performance in single-component and bulk heterojunction organic solar cells and photodetectors
Yuriy N.Luponosov, Alexander N.Solodukhin, Artur L.Mannanov, Petr S.Savchenko, Benedito A.L.Raul, Svetlana M.Peregudova, Nikolay M.Surin, Artem V.Bakirov, Maxim A.Shcherbina, Sergei N.Chvalun, Maxim S.Pshenichnikov, Dmitry Yu Paraschuk, Sergey A.Ponomarenko
Materials Today Energy 22, 100863 (2021)

Diffusion-enhanced exciton dissociation in single-material organic solar cells
Nong Hoang, Nikolis Vasileios, Lukasz Baisinger, Koen Vandewal & Maxim S. Pshenichnikov
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys 23, 20848-20853 (2021) 


Excited state dynamics and exciton diffusion in triphenylamine/dicyanovinyl push–pull small molecule for organic optoelectronics
Benedito A. L. Raul, Yuriy N. Luponosov, Wenyan Yang, Nikolay M. Surin, Olivier Douhéret, Jie Min, Thomas L. C. Jansen, Sergei A. Ponomarenko & Maxim S. Pshenichnikov
Scientific Reports 10, 21198 (2020)

Powering rotary molecular motors with low-intensity near-infrared light
Lukas Pfeifer, Nong V. Hoang, Maximilian Scherübl, Maxim S. Pshenichnikov and Ben L. Feringa
Science Advances 28 October 2020

Molecular versus excitonic disorder in individual artificial light-harvesting systems
Björn Kriete, Anna S. Bondarenko, Riccardo Alessandri, Ilias Patmanidis, Victor V Krasnikov, Thomas L. C. Jansen, Siewert J. Marrink, Jasper Knoester, and Maxim S. Pshenichnikov
J. of the Americain Chemical Society 10.1021/jacs.0c07392

Triphenylamine/Tetracyanobutadiene-based π-Conjugated Push-Pull Molecules End-capped with Arene Platforms: Synthesis, Photophysics, and Photovoltaic Response
Pablo Simón Marqués, José María Andrés Castán, Benedito A. L. Raul, Giacomo Londi, Ivan Ramirez,Maxim S. Pshenichnikov, David Beljonne, Karsten Walzer, Martin Blais, Magali Allain, Clément Cabanetos and Philippe Blanchard
Chem. Eur. J. 10.1002/chem.202002810

Microfluidic Out-of-Equilibrium Control of Molecular Nanotubes
Björn Kriete, Carolien Feenstra and Maxim S. Pshenichnikov
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Accepted for publication


Hot carrier extraction in CH3NH3PbI3 unveiled by pump-push-probe spectroscopy
Swee Sien Lim, David Giovanni, Qiannan Zhang, Ankur Solanki, Nur Fadilah Jamaludin, Jia Wei Melvin Lim, Nripan Mathews, Subodh Mhaisalkar, Maxim S. Pshenichnikov and Tze Chien Sum
Science Advances 15 Nov 2019: Vol. 5, no. 11, eaax3620

Interplay between structural hierarchy and exciton diffusion in artificial light harvesting
Björn Kriete, Julian Lüttig, Tenzin Kunsel, Pavel Malý, Thomas L. C. Jansen, Jasper Knoester, Tobias Brixner & Maxim S. Pshenichnikov
Nature Communications volume 10, Article number: 4615 (2019)

Tunable Ferroelectricity in Ruddlesden-Popper Halide Perovskites
Qiannan Zhang, Ankur Solanki, Kaushik Parida, David Giovanni, Mingjie Li, Thomas L. C. Jansen, Maxim S. Pshenichnikov, and Tze Chien Sum
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 11, pp 13523-13532 (2019)

Long-range exciton transport in brightly fluorescent furan/phenylene co-oligomer crystals
Artur A. Mannanov, Maxim S. Kazantsev, Anatoly D. Kuimov, Vladislav G. Konstantinov, Dmitry I. Dominskiy, Vasiliy A. Trukhanov, Daniil S. Anisimov, Nikita V. Gultikov, Vladimir V. Bruevich, Igor P. Koskin, Alina A. Sonina, Tatyana V. Rybalova, Inna K. Shundrina, Evgeny A. Mostovich, Dmitry Yu. Paraschuk and Maxim S. Pshenichnikov
Journal of Materials Chemistry C,  7, pp. 70-80  (2019)


Real-Time Tracking of Polymer Crystallization Dynamics in Organic Bulk Heterojunctions by Raman Microscopy
Mannanov, AA; Bruevich, VV; Feldman, EV; Trukhanov, VA; Pshenichnikov, MS; Paraschuk, DY
Journal.of Physical Chemistry C : 122, pp 19289-19297 (2018)

Driving Magnetization Dynamics in an On-Demand Magnonic Crystal via the Magnetoelastic Interactions
C. L. Chang, S. Mieszczak, M. Zelent, V. Besse, U. Martens, R.R. Tamming, J. Janusonis, P. Graczyk, M. Münzenberg, J.W. Kłos, and R. I. Tobey
Phys. Rev. Applied 10, 064051

Anomalous Nernst effect and three-dimensional temperature gradients in magnetic tunnel junctions
Ulrike Martens, Torsten Huebner, Henning Ulrichs, Oliver Reimer, Timo Kuschel, Ronnie R. Tamming, Chia-Lin Chang, Raanan I. Tobey, Andy Thomas, Markus Münzenberg & Jakob Walowski
Nature Communications Physics volume 1, Article number: 65 (2018)

Selective Excitation of Localized Spin-Wave Modes by Optically Pumped Surface Acoustic Waves
C. L. Chang, R. R. Tamming, T. J. Broomhall, J. Janusonis, P. W. Fry, R. I. Tobey, and T. J. Hayward
Phys. Rev. Applied 10, 034068

Hydrophobic Collapse in N-Methylacetamide Water Mixtures
Salamatova, E, Cunha, AV, Bloem, R, Roeters, SJ, Woutersen, S, Jansen, TLC, Pshenichnikov, MS
Journal.of Physical Chemistry A 122, pp 2468-2478 (2018)

Molecular Self-Doping Controls Luminescence of Pure Organic Single Crystals
Olga D. Parashchuk, Artur A. Mannanov, Vladislav G. Konstantinov, Dmitry I. Dominskiy, Nikolay M. Surin, Oleg V. Borshchev, Sergei A. Ponomarenko, Maxim S. Pshenichnikov, Dmitry Yu. Paraschuk
Advanced Functional Materials 28, 1800116 (2018)

Simple donor-acceptor molecule with long exciton diffusion length for organic photovoltaics  
Kozlov, OV; Luponosov, YN; Solodukhin, AN; Flament, B; Douheret, O; Viville, P; Beljonne, D; Lazzaroni, R; Cornil, J; Ponomarenko, SA; Pshenichnikov, MS
Organic Electronics 53, pp 185-190 (2018)


Hydrogen bond and lifetime dynamics in diluted alcohols
E. Salamatova, A.V. Cunha, Th.L.C.Jansen, and Maxim S. Pshenichnikov
Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys 19, pp 27960-27967 (2017)

Steering Self-Assembly of Amphiphilic Molecular Nanostructures via Halogen Exchange
Björn Kriete, Anna S. Bondarenko, Varsha R. Jumde, Linda E Franken, Adriaan J. Minnaard, Thomas L. C. Jansen, Jasper Knoester, and Maxim S. Pshenichnikov
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 8, pp 2895-2901 (2017)

Interplay between Hydrogen Bonding and Vibrational Coupling in Liquid N-Methylacetamide
Ana V. Cunha, Evgeniia Salamatova, Robbert Bloem, Steven J. Roeters, Sander Woutersen, Maxim S. Pshenichnikov and Thomas L. C. Jansen
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 8,  pp 2438–2444 (2017)

Luminescent Organic Semiconducting Langmuir Monolayers 
Agina, EV; Mannanov, AA; Sizov, AS; Vechter, O; Borshchev, OV; Bakirov, AV; Shcherbina, MA; Chvalun, SN; Konstantinov, VG; Bruevich, VV; Kozlov, OV; Pshenichnikov, MS; Paraschuk, DY; Ponomarenko, SA
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9, p 18078-86 (2017)

Ultrafast Exciton-to-Polaron Conversion in Densely Packed Small Organic Semiconducting Molecules
Oleg V. Kozlov, Yuriy N. Luponosov, Alexander N. Solodukhin, Bruno Flament, Yoann Olivier, Roberto Lazzaroni, Jérôme Cornil, Sergei A. Ponomarenko, Maxim S. Pshenichnikov
Advanced Optical Materials 5, 1700024 (2017)

A Triphenylamine-Based Push-Pull Molecule for Photovoltaic Applications: from Synthesis to Ultrafast Device Photophysics
Oleg V. Kozlov, Xiaomeng Liu, Yuriy N Luponosov, Alexander N. Solodukhin, Victoria Y. Toropynina, Jie Min, Mikhail I. Buzin, Svetlana M Peregudova, Christoph J. Brabec, Sergei A. Ponomarenko, and Maxim S. Pshenichnikov
J. Phys. Chem. C 121, 6424-35 (2017)

Parametric frequency mixing in a magnetoelastically driven linear ferromagnetic-resonance oscillator
Chang, CL; Lomonosov, AM; Janusonis, J; Vlasov, VS; Temnov, VV; Tobey, RI
Phys. Rev. B 95 , 060409 (2017)


Bulk heterojunction morphology of polymer: fullerene blends revealed by ultrafast spectroscopy

Serbenta, Almis; Kozlov, Oleg V.;Portale, Giuseppe; van Loosdrecht, Paul H. M.; Pshenichnikov, Maxim S.
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 6, 36236 (2016)

Structural and magnetic characterization of large area, free-standing thin films of magnetic ion intercalated dichalcogenides Mn0.25TaS2 and Fe0.25TaS2
Danz, Th; Liu, Q.; Zhu, X. D.; Wang, L. H.; Cheong, S. W.; Radu, I.; Ropers, C.; Tobey, R. I.

Morphological Tuning of the Energetics in Singlet Fission Organic Solar Cells
Lin, YunHui L.; Fusella, Michael A.; Kozlov, Oleg V.; Lin, Xin; Kahn, Antoine; Pshenichnikov, Maxim S.; Rand, Barry P.

Ultrafast magnetoelastic probing of surface acoustic transients
Janusonis, J.; Chang, C. L.; Jansma, T.; Gatilova, A.; Vlasov, V. S.; Lomonosov, A. M.; Temnov, V. V.; Tobey, R. I.
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 94, 024415 (2016)

Transient Grating Spectroscopy in Magnetic Thin Films: Simultaneous Detection of Elastic and Magnetic Dynamics
Janusonis, J.; Jansma, T.; Chang, C. L.; Liu, Q.; Gatilova, A.; Lomonosov, A. M.; Shalagatskyi, V.; Pezeril, T.; Temnov, V. V.; Tobey, R. I.
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 6, 29143 (2016)

Ultrafast magnetization and structural dynamics in the intercalated transition metal dichalcogenides Fe0.25TaS2 and Mn0.25TaS2
Liu, Q.; Zhu, X. D.; Wang, L. H.; Cheong, S-W; Tobey, R. I.

Effects of electron-withdrawing group and electron-donating core combinations on physical properties and photovoltaic performance in D-pi-A star-shaped small molecules
Luponosov, Yuriy N.; Min, Jie; Solodukhin, Alexander N.; Kozlov, Oleg V.; Obrezkova, Marina A.; Peregudova, Svetlana M.; Ameri, Tayebeh; Chvalun, Sergei N.; Pshenichnikov, Maxim S.; Brabec, Christoph J.; Ponomarenko, Sergei A.
ORGANIC ELECTRONICS 32, 157-168 (2016)

Highly Luminescent Solution-Grown Thiophene-Phenylene Co-Oligomer Single Crystals
Kudryashova, Lyudmila G.; Kazantsev, Maxim S.; Postnikov, Valery A.; Bruevich, Vladimir V.; Luponosov, Yuriy N.; Surin, Nikolay M.; Borshchev, Oleg V.; Ponomarenko, Sergei A.; Pshenichnikov, Maxim S.; Paraschuk, Dmitry Yu.

Highly-emissive solution-grown furan/phenylene co-oligomer single crystals
Kazantsev, Maxim S.; Frantseva, Ekaterina S.; Kudriashova, Liudmila G.; Konstantinov, Vladislav G.; Mannanov, Artur A.; Rybalova, Tatyana V.; Karpova, Elena V.; Shundrina, Inna K.; Kamaev, Gennadiy N.; Pshenichnikov, Maxim S.; Mostovich, Evgeny A.; Paraschuk, Dmitry Yu.
RSC ADVANCES 6, 92325-92329 (2016)

Real-Time Tracking of Singlet Exciton Diffusion in Organic Semiconductors
Oleg V. Kozlov, Foppe de Haan, Ross A. Kerner, Barry P. Rand, David Cheyns, and Maxim S. Pshenichnikov
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 057402 (2016)


Water Infiltration in Methylammonium Lead Iodide Perovskite: Fast and Inconspicuous
Mueller, Christian; Glaser, Tobias; Plogmeyer, Marcel; Sendner, Michael; Doering, Sebastian; Bakulin, Artem A.; Brzuska, Carlo; Scheer, Roland; Pshenichnikov, Maxim S.; Kowalsky, Wolfgang; Pucci, Annemarie; Lovrincic, Robert
CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS 27, 7835-7841 (2015)

Hydrogen bond dynamics in bulk alcohols
Shinokita, K, Cunha, AV, Jansen, TLC, Pshenichnikov, MS
J. Chem. Phys. 142, 212450 (2015)

Femtosecond time-resolved MeV electron diffraction
Zhu, P., Zhu, Y., Hidaka, Y., Wu, L., Cao, J., Berger, H., Geck, J., Kraus, R., Pjerov, S., Shen, Y., Tobey, R. I., Hill, J. P. & Wang, X. J.
New Journal of Physics 17, 063004 (2016)

Frequency tunable magneto elastic waves
J. Janusonis, C.L. Chang, PHM van Loosdrecht, R.I. Tobey
Applied Physics Letters 106, 181601 (2015)

Design of (X-DADAD)(n) Type Copolymers for Efficient Bulk Heterojunction Organic Solar Cells
Akkuratov, AV, Susarova, DK, Kozlov, OV, Chernyak, AV, Moskvin, YL, Frolova, LA, Pshenichnikov, MS, Troshin, PA
Macromolecules 48, 2013-2021 (2015)

Ultrafast Charge Generation Pathways in Photovoltaic Blends Based on Novel Star-Shaped Conjugated Molecules
Kozlov, OV; Luponosov, YN; Ponomarenko, SA; Kausch-Busies, N; Paraschuk, DY; Olivier, Y; Beljonne, D; Cornil, J; Pshenichnikov, MS;
Advanced Energy Materials 5, 1401657 (2015)


Charge Transfer Dynamics in Donor-Acceptor Complexes between a Conjugated Polymer and Fluorene Acceptors

Pavelyev, VG; Parashchuk, OD; Krompiec, M; Orekhova, TV; Perepichka, IF; van Loosdrecht, PHM; Paraschuk, DY; Pshenichnikov, MS
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 118, 30291-30301 (2014)

"Ultrafast intramolecular dynamics in novel star-shaped molecules for photovoltaic applications"
Oleg V. Kozlov, Yuriy N. Luponosov, Sergei A. Ponomarenko, Dmitry Yu. Paraschuk, Nina Kausch-Busies, Maxim S. Pshenichnikov
In Ultrafast Dynamics in Molecules, Nanostructures and Interfaces (Series in Optics and Photonics, Vol. 8), Eds. G. G. Gurzadyan, G. Lanzani, C. Soci, T. C Sum., World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 8, 169-183 (2014)

Melting of Charge Stripes in Vibrationally Driven La1.875Ba0.125CuO4: Assessing the Respective Roles of Electronic and Lattice Order in Frustrated Superconductors
Foerst, M.; Tobey, R. I.; Bromberger, H.; Wilkins, S. B.; Khanna, V.; Caviglia, A. D.; Chuang, Y. -D.; Lee, W. S.; Schlotter, W. F.; Turner, J. J.; Minitti, M. P.; Krupin, O.; Xu, Z. J.; Wen, J. S.; Gu, G. D.; Dhesi, S. S.; Cavalleri, A.; Hill, J. P.
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 112, 157002 (2014)


Dynamics of Water Confined in Reversed Micelles: Multidimensional Vibrational Spectroscopy Study
Artem A. Bakulin, Dan Cringus, Piotr A. Pieniazek, James L. Skinner, Thomas L. C. Jansen, Maxim S. Pshenichnikov
J. Phys. Chem. B 117, 15545-58 (2013)

Exciton and Hole-Transfer Dynamics in Polymer: Fullerene Blends
A. Serbenta, V.G. Pavelyev, J.C. Hummelen, P. H. M. van Loosdrecht and M.S. Pshenichnikov 
EPJ Web of Conferences 41, 04012 (2013)

Ultrafast Pump-Push Photocurrent Spectroscopy of Organic Photoconversion Systems
A. A. Bakulin, A. Rao, Y. Vaynzof, S. Gelinas, V. G. Pavelyev, P. H. M. van Loosdrecht, M. S. Pshenichnikov, D. Niedzialek, J. Cornil, D. Beljonne and R. H. Friend 
EPJ Web of Conferences 41, 05020 (2013)

Acceptor Energy Offset Manages Ultrafast Recombination Dynamics in Donor-Acceptor Mixtures
V. G. Pavelyev, O. D. Parashchuk, T. V. Orekhova, I. F. Perepichka, D. Yu. Paraschuk, P. H. M. van Loosdrecht and M. S. Pshenichnikov 
EPJ Web of Conferences 41, 05036 (2013)

Dynamics of photo-excited electrons in magnetically ordered TbMnO3
Handayani, I. P.; Tobey, R. I.; Janusonis, J.; Mazurenko, D. A.; Mufti, N.; Nugroho, A. A.; Tjia, M. O.; Palstra, T. T. M.; van Loosdrecht, P. H. M.



Broadband dye-sensitized upconversion of near-infrared light
Wenqiang Zou, Cindy Visser, Jeremio A. Maduro, Maxim S. Pshenichnikov & Jan C. Hummelen
Nature Photonics 6, 560 (2012)

The Role of Driving Energy and Delocalized States for Charge Separation in Organic Semiconductors
Artem A. Bakulin, Akshay Rao, Vlad G. Pavelyev, Paul H.M. van Loosdrecht, Maxim S. Pshenichnikov, Dorota Niedzialek, Jérôme Cornil, David Beljonne, and Richard H. Friend
Science 335, 1340-44 (2012)



Reduced coupling of water molecules near the surface of reverse micelles
Artem A. Bakulin and Maxim S. Pshenichnikov
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13, 19355-19361 (2011)

Analysis of 2D CS Spectra for Systems with Non-Gaussian Dynamics
Santanu Roy, Maxim S. Pshenichnikov, and Thomas L. C. Jansen
J. Phys. Chem. B 115, 5431 (2011)

Hydrophobic Molecules Slow Down the Hydrogen-Bond Dynamics of Water
Artem A. Bakulin and Maxim S. Pshenichnikov , Huib J. Bakker and Christian Petersen
J. Phys. Chem. A 115, 1821 (2011)


Femtosecond midinfrared study of aggregation behavior in aqueous solutions of amphiphilic molecules
Christian Petersen, Artem A. Bakulin, Vlad G. Pavelyev, Maxim S. Pshenichnikov, and Huib J. Bakker
Journal Chemical Physics 133, 164514 (2010)

Ultrafast Hole-Transfer Dynamics in Polymer/PCBM Bulk Heterojunctions
Artem A. Bakulin, Jan C. Hummelen, Maxim S. Pshenichnikov, Paul H. M. van Loosdrecht
Advanced Functional Materials 20, 1653-60 (2010)

Conjugated polymer charge-transfer complexes: a way to low-bandgap photostable materials
Artem A. Bakulin, Maxim S. Pshenichnikov, Paul H.M. van Loosdrecht, Ilya V. Golovnin, Dmitry Yu. Paraschuk; M.V. 
Chapter in : 'Physics of Nanostructured Solar Cells'; editors : Viorel Badescu and Marius Paulescu ISBN: 978-1-60876-110-4, chapter 16 (2010)



Charge-transfer complexes of conjugated polymers as intermediates in charge photogeneration for organic photovoltaics
Artem A. Bakulin, Dmitry Martyanov, Dmitry Yu. Paraschuk, Paul H.M. van Loosdrecht and Maxim S. Pshenichnikov
Chemical Physics Letters 482, 99-104 (2009)

Efficient two-step photogeneration of long-lived charges in ground-state charge-transfer complexes of conjugated polymer doped with fullerene
Artem A. Bakulin, Sergey A. Zapunidy, Maxim S. Pshenichnikov, Paul H.M. van Loosdrecht and Dmitry Yu. Paraschuk
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 11, 7324 (2009)

Hydrophobic Solvation: A 2D IR Spectroscopic Inquest
Artem A. Bakulin, Chungwen Liang, Thomas la Cour Jansen, Douwe A. Wiersma, Huib J. Bakker and Maxim S. Pshenichnikov 
Accounts of Chemical Research 42, 1229-1238 (2009)

Сверхбыстрая поляризационная спектроскопия фотоиндуцированных зарядов в полупроводниковом полимере
А.А. Бакулин, Д.Ю. Паращук, П.X.M. ван Лоосдрехт, М.С. Пшеничников
Квантовая Электроника 39, 643 (2009)

Ultrafast polarisation spectroscopy of photoinduced charges in a conjugated polymer
A.A. Bakulin, D.Yu. Parashchuk, P.H.M. van Loosdrecht, M.S. Pshenichnikov
Quantum Electronics 39, 643 (2009)

Dissimilar Dynamics of Coupled Water Vibrations
Thomas l. C. Jansen, Dan Cringus and Maxim S. Pshenichnikov
J. Phys. Chem. A 113, 6260-6265 (2009)


Ultrafast Charge Photogeneration Dynamics in Ground-State Charge-Transfer Complexes Based on Conjugated Polymers
Artem A. Bakulin, Dmitry S. Martyanov, Dmitry Yu. Paraschuk, Maxim S. Pshenichnikov, and Paul H. M. van Loosdrecht
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112, 13730 (2008)

Heterogeneous Dynamics of Coupled Vibrations
Dan Cringus, Thomas L.C. Jansen and Maxim S. Pshenichnikov
Ultrafast Phenomena XVI 1, 472 (2008)

Frozen Dynamics and Insulation of Water at the Lipid Interface
Artem A. Bakulin, Dan Cringus, Maxim S. Pshenichnikov and Douwe A. Wiersma
Ultrafast Phenomena XVI 1, 514 (2008)

Ultrafast Charge Photogeneration in MEH-PPV Charge-Transfer Complexes
Artem A. Bakulin, Dmitry Yu. Parachuk, Maxim S. Pshenichnikov, Paul H.M. van Loosdrecht
Ultrafast Phenomena XVI, Springer Series in Chemical Physics 92, 631 (2008)

Following the Autonomous Movement of Silica Microparticles Using Fluorescence Microscopy
Nicolas Heureux, Filippo Lusitani, Wesley R. Browne, Maxim S. Pshenichnikov, Paul H. M. van Loosdrecht, Ben L. Feringa
Small 4, 476 (2008)



Ultrafast Energy Transfer in Water-AOT Reverse Micelles
Dan Cringus, Artem Bakulin, Jorg Lindner, Peter Vohringer, Maxim S. Pshenichnikov and Douwe A. Wiersma
J. Phys. Chem. B 111, 14193-14207 (2007)

Echo-peak shift fails to resolve the liquid-glass phase transition
Kees Lazonder, Maxim S. Pshenichnikov and Douwe A. Wiersma
Chem. Phys. Lett. 449, 255 (2007)

Ultrafast anisotropy dynamics of water molecules dissolved in acetonitrile
Dan Cringus, Thomas l. C. Jansen, Maxim S. Pshenichnikov and Douwe A. Wiersma
J. Chem. Phys. 127, 084507 (2007)

Anharmonic bend–stretch coupling in neat liquid water
Lindner, Jörg; Cringus, Dan; Pshenichnikov, Maxim S.; Vöhringer, Peter 
Chemical Physics 341, 326-335 (2007)

Solvent dynamics in a glass-forming liquid from 300 K to 3 K: What photon echoes can teach us
Kees Lazonder , Maxim S. Pshenichnikov
Chemical Physics 341, 123 (2007)

Multicolor IR Spectroscopy of Pure Liquid Water
Dan Cringus, Maxim S. Pshenichnikov, Douwe A. Wiersma, Maxim Mostovoy, Jörg Lindner, and Peter Vöhringer
Ultrafast Phenomena XV 1, 421 (2007)

Ultrafast Intramolecular Energy Transfer in Water
D. Cringus, T.l.C. Jansen, M.S. Pshenichnikov, D.A. Wiersma
Ultrafast Phenomena XV 1, 439 (2007)

Anharmonic bend-stretch coupling in water
J. Lindner, P. Vohringer, M.S. Pshenichnikov, D. Cringus, D.A. Wiersma
Ultrafast Phenomena XV 1, 445 (2007)