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- Infrared/visible pump-probe setup : Carbide and Orpheus-3N/Orpheus-One OPA (Light-Conversion). IR pump (1350-4500nm), Visible Probe (500-900nm), 1 KHz, 25-fs.
Spectroscopy on organic photovoltaics (excitons, polarons, CT states, bulk-heterojunction morphology)

- Visible 2-Dimensional spectroscopy setup : Carbide and Orpheus-3N OPA (Light-Conversion), DAZZLER, 500-900 nm, 1 KHz, 20 fs.
Spectroscopy on excitonic systems

- 800 nm Pump-Probe : Coherent Legend. 1 KHz, 6W. Pump 800 nm, probe white light continuum

- Streak-camera : Mira-Hamamatsu based, 300-980 nm excitation, 2 ps resolution, optical confocal microscope, cryostat, second-harmonic imaging.
Ultrafast spectroscopy/microscopy on excitons in organic photovoltaics, molecular crystals and monolayers.

- Single-molecule microscopy lab: optical microscope with a 200-nm resolution with wide-field imaging and point excitation.
Microscopy on single excitonic systems.

- General spectroscopy lab: spectrometer and spectrofluorimeter; also used for practicum in the spectroscopy courses given to the master students

- General facilities labs : wet chemlab and physlab