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Bypass pulse picker

After the end mirror of the pulse picker, 2 spots can be seen : a bright spot, which is blocked, and a faint spot, which is transmitted. The faint spot are the pulse-picked pulses.

Insert an 3/32 allen key in the top screw of the endmirror, at 8 o'clock position. By turning it clockwise to the 4 hour position, both spots are moved upwards, and the unpicked pulse now falls on the mirror in the doubler (M2 right).
In order to be completely unblocked, the unperturbed beam fell a little higher on mirror M2 then the picked one.

Realignment doubler

Use M2 (right) and M2 (left) to steer the beam correctly in the crystal. NB : changing the pulse picker output angle, M2, M2 etc. etc has immediately effect on the needed angle of the crystal.
NB : while aligning, the Mira sometimes dropped out of mode-locking : maybe some light bounced back. A slightly different alignment of the 2 M2 mirrors seemed to help. It also helps to close the Mira slit a bit more, to make the mode-locking more stable.

Final alignment : use right M2 to put the beam at the correct height on the left M2 mirror. Align the left M2 mirror, so the doubled beam is at the correct height a few meters away from the doubler.
Only the 2 M2 mirrors are used!

The original heights are (for the pulse picked beam) :
M2 (right) : 7.8 cm (slightly below middle)
M2 (left) : 8.1 cm (slightly above middle)
M3 (before crystal) : at the lower part of the mirror
M6 (left) : blue light at 5.4 cm
Far field : blue light at 13.0 cm

The heights for bypassing the pulse picker are :
M2 (right) : 8.1 cm
M2 (left) : 7.8 cm

800 nm, 4.5 W, 18.85 A, Baseplate 22.69 C, RH 25%, Monitor 142 (ML)
With pulse picker : 0.34 mW at 400 nm.
Bypassed pulse picker : 22 mW at 400 nm (= 64 x more, should have been 40 x !)