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Back cover of Journal of Materials Chemistry C

21 Januari 2019

Long-range exciton transport in brightly fluorescent furan/phenylene co-oligomer crystals

Artur A. Mannanov, Maxim S. Kazantsev, Anatoly D. Kuimov, Vladislav G. Konstantinov, Dmitry I. Dominskiy, Vasiliy A. Trukhanov, Daniil S. Anisimov, Nikita V. Gultikov, Vladimir V. Bruevich, Igor P. Koskin, Alina A. Sonina, Tatyana V. Rybalova, Inna K. Shundrina, Evgeny A. Mostovich, Dmitry Yu. Paraschuk and Maxim S. Pshenichnikov

Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 7, p. 70-80 (2019)

Showcasing collaborative research from Rijksuniversiteit Groningen in The Netherlands, Lomonosov Moscow StateUniversity, Novosibirsk State University and VorozhtsovNovosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry, Russia.

The article featured the back cover of J. Materials Chemistry C.


JMaterChemC2019 7 60 2nd largeDesign of materials combining bright luminescence andcharge transport is one of the strategic challenges in organicoptoelectronics. Extremely light doping of organic crystalswith highly fluorescent molecules enhances the luminescenceprovided the exciton diffusion length is long enough to reachthe dopant and have the exciton energy transferred to thedopant. We present a comprehensive study of singlet excitondiffusion in a brightly luminescent doped semiconductor crystal.The high potential of this material is demonstrated by fabricatingsolution-processed organic light-emitting transistors.