Optical Condensed Matter Physics
We use optical spectroscopy to study a wide range of ultrafast phenomena in organic materials at nanoscopic lengths and femtosecond (0.000000000000001 s) time scale, with the main focus on exciton and charge dynamics in energy-related and bio-inspired materials.
The research group Optical Condensed Matter Physics is part of the Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials, a research institute within the Faculty of Science and Engineering of the University of Groningen.
*** Please do not contact us privately regarding PhD positions; all available positions are announced publicly, including on this website ***

Aleksej in Montpellier
Aleksej Kuevda presented a talk on the 8th International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials.
The title of the presentation was : "Herringbone or Bricklayer? Experimental Verification of Theoretical Models of Supramolecular Nanotubes"

Zernike advent calendar
In the Advent Calendar, our Zernike Institute is presenting 24 short spotlights in December.
In these specials, PhD students, postdocs, support staff and technicians are highlighted - providing a glimpse in their typical day at work.
In Episode 12 Alexey Kuevda, PhD research student in our group, presents his view on his PhD.

4TU.HTM Workshop
Sundar attended the Joint 4TU.HTM Workshop on Advanced In Situ Methods for Materials Characterization at Utrecht, and gave a talk titled, "Monitoring self-assembly of supramolecular nanotubes in real time".

Sundar Ray PhD symposium
Sundar Raj presents the talk "Monitoring self-assembly of molecular nanotubes in real time" at the 3rd Zernike Institute PhD Symposium on 1 November 2024
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